Quality management
The top priority of AeroFEM is to continuously offer high-quality products and services to our customers.
Safety, quality and reliability of our products and services are the most important basic requirements. We also believe in professional personnel management and well trained and motivated employees who like to work in a positive working environment: A high quality, efficient infrastructure is provided for every employee.
We achieve our goals with well qualified and responsible employees.
AeroFEM obligates itself to:
- always accept safety and quality as basic principles and apply them to daily work tasks,
- adequately train every employee according to their duties and responsibilities,
- motivate every employee to openly communicate and report mistakes,
- meet the applicable methods, quality and safety standards and assignments
The goal of our safety and quality management system is to make product safety a priority for the whole company. Every employee gets trained regularly with respect to product safety and airworthiness.
The managing partners and the quality and safety manager actively advocate for company, safety, and quality policies including the concept of openly correcting mistakes.
Our quality management system is based on EN 9100:2009, ISO 9001 as well as ICAO SMS requirements. Regular internal audits of all employees guarantee the implementation of these requirements.
Jörg Spichtig
Dipl. Ing. ETH, Managing Director