Flow analysis
Use numerical flow analysis (CFD) to model complex problems and accelerate your product development project.
AeroFEM offers various types of analysis in the field of numerical flow analysis (CFD). The use of CFD is a very valuable tool, especially in the concept phase, and allows the efficient and cost-effective determination of decisive aerodynamic parameters without building prototypes.
CFD simulations provide detailed insights, even at points that are difficult to access by measurement. Numerical flow analysis is also particularly suitable for identifying potential improvements in existing products and systems and for defining and testing appropriate improvement measures. Optimization algorithms can also be used to perform complete design studies to optimally meet the requirements of a product. From aerodynamics and hydrodynamics to thermodynamics and process engineering, we offer support in a wide range of CFD-related topics.
We primarily use Simcenter STAR-CCM+ as a CFD code on our own CFD computing server with 256 CPU cores.
Oliver Ryan
MSc HSLU/FHZ in Engineering